TVHA Board Meeting Agenda for 3 Dec 2018


Monday, December 3, 2018

Bay Club, 3:00 pm

  1. Call to order & determination of quorum. Attendees, please sign in.
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Approve Minutes from the quarterly Board Meeting on September 10, 2018.
  4. Introduction of new homeowners
  5. Comments from the Chair
  6. Comments from the Floor
  7. Formal Correspondence –
  8. Committee Reports:
    1. Architectural Review Committee (ARC): Gloria Wilcox
    2. Vegetation Management Committee (VMC): Debbie Wills
    3. Financial Management Committee (FMC): Vicki Derrenberger & Kathy Kubesh
  9. Old Business:
    1. Issue resolution process review (waiting for SBCA to revise process)
    2. Communication e-blast to all homeowners as a reminder of acceptable conditions for the appearance of lots and homes
    3. Request landscaper to rotate limited common area maintenance
  10. New Business:
    1. Repair of monument sign
    2. Holiday Bonus for Greenstate Landscaping
  11. Comments from Floor
  12. Comments from the Board
  13. Next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, March 25, 2019, at 3:00 pm at the Bay Club
  14. Adjourn

TVHA Board Meeting Agenda


Monday, September 10, 2018

Bay Club, 3:00 pm

  1. Call to order & determination of quorum. Attendees, please sign in.
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Approve Minutes from the Special Board Meeting on July 10, 2018.
  4. Introduction of new homeowners
  5. Comments from the Chair
  6. Comments from the Floor
  7. Formal Correspondence –
  8. Committee Reports:
    1. Architectural Review Committee (ARC): Gloria Wilcox
    2. Vegetation Management Committee (VMC): Debbie Wills
    3. Financial Management Committee (FMC): Vicki Derrenberger & Kathy Kubesh
  9. Old Business:
    1. Issue resolution process review (waiting for SBCA to revise process)
    2. Follow Up on Website re-hosting
    3. Follow up on complaints
  10. New Business:
    1. The Finance Committee recommends $2000 of contingencies to be moved into the expense line item VMC Land and Capital Improvements for the purpose of special projects that were discussed but not arranged prior to the end of the 2017-2018 fiscal year.  Specifically, the thinning/removal of trees and bushes on the corner of Timberton Drive and Heritage Lane, as this area has been untouched for years and the vegetation is overgrown.
    2. Annual and/or bi-annual e-blast to all homeowners as a reminder of acceptable conditions for the appearance of lots and homes
    3. Request landscaper to rotate maintenance between: corner or Timber Meadow and Leighbrook and guardrail edge, Leighbrook cul-de-sac, McKenzie cul-de-sac, and Timber Ridge guardrail edge
  1. Comments from Floor
  2. Comments from the Board
  3. Next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, December 3rd, 2018, at 3:00 pm at the Bay Club
  4. Adjourn

Recycling Information

From the Port Ludlow Village Council:
Rumors and misinformation are swirling around our community regarding recycling. The current and correct information is available at the County’s Solid Waste Website.
  1. Recycling is not going away.
  2. Recycling markets are international, and changes in Chinese policy have affected recycling programs, especially on the west coast of the United States. These changes have affected mostly mixed paper and plastic collection markets, but thus far we are not impacted.
  3. Contamination reduces and even eliminates the market value of recycled materials. Waste in Jefferson County is less contaminated that most due to multi-stream recycling and this helps our situation locally.
  4. Follow the County Guidelines on the County’s Recycling Flyer.
  5. County officials, their partners, and the Solid Waste Advisory Commission will advise us regarding any changes needed in recycling practices.

Bear and Mountain Lion Safety

With the report of a cougar sighting on the Timberton Trail this week, here’s some tips from U.S. Forest Service when hiking or camping in lion and bear country. Remember that both roam throughout a wide area, so you might find them anywhere in Port Ludlow. Good tips for pet-walkers, trail-hikers, and campers.

Hiking and Camping in Mountain Lion Habitat

  • Do not hike alone. Go in groups, with adults supervising children. Avoid dawn and dusk excursions.
  • Keep children close to you. Animals seem especially drawn to children; keep children within sight at all times.
  • Do not approach a lion. Most mountain lions will try to avoid confrontation. Give them a way to escape.
  • Do not run from a lion. Running may stimulate a mountain lion’s instinct to chase.
  • Do not crouch down or bend over. A human standing does not resemble a mountain lion’s natural prey.
  • Do all you can to appear larger. Raise your arms. Open jacket if wearing one. Pick up small children. Wave arms slowly and speak firmly in a loud voice.
  • Fight back if attacked. Mountain lions usually try to bite the head or neck; try to remain standing and face the attacking animal.


Hiking and Camping in Bears Habitat

  • Never leave food, toiletries and/or anything with a scent in your tent, sleeping bag or car.
  • Keep sleeping bags, tents and sleeping areas free of food and beverage odors.
  • Store food in bear-proof canisters or bear-proof lockers if provided. The trunk of your car and coolers are not bear-proof!
  • Do not leave out food, stored drinks or diapers. The smell will attract bears.
  • Clean everything after preparing a meal.
  • Dispose of garbage properly. If a bear-proof dumpster is not available, store your garbage in bear-proof lockers often provided at campgrounds, until it can be disposed of properly.
  • When backpacking, use a bear-proof Backpacker’s Cache to store your food. These really work and are available for free rental through the US Forest Service Visitor’s Center at Taylor Creek and at South Lake Tahoe Forest Service office.
  • When departing an area, empty all goods and refuse from any containers or food storage lockers left behind.
    Remember, never feed a bear!

You can find more helpful tips on their website here:

Your Smoke Detectors Are Probably No Good

Most of the homes in Timberton were built at least 15 years ago. Which means that your smoke detectors may not work properly. They are supposed to be replaced every ten years. Just replacing the battery is not enough.

You can remove a smoke alarm (twist CW or CCW) and there should be a manufacturer date on it. If it’s older than 10 years, then it will not be as effective. Even if you put in a new battery, or if it is wired to AC.

(Note: Port Ludlow Fire and Rescue will help with checking and installing smoke detectors. See information here .)

So I grabbed 6 of  Kiddey brand smoke detectors (four-pack plus two more singles ), from the Home Depot online site, for a total cost of $78. These are the hardwired ones that will probably replace the existing ones in your Timberton house.

I picked those because they come with the adapters needed for the most common brands (my existing ones were Firex, which was bought out by Kidde). Plus they come with a 9v battery.  Took about a week to get here.

Installation quite easy. Get up on the ladder (carefully), twist off the old one, use my little power screwdriver to loosen the two screws holding the mounting plates, remove the old mounting plate.

Grab the right power adapter from the package, clip it on, then attach the new mounting plate. (Use a permanent marker to put the date on the unit for reference.) Connect the power connector, feed the wires back into the hole, and twist on the new one (make sure it is positioned correctly if mounted on a wall). Pop in the 9v battery (included – which is front-mounted for easy replacement), and test it. All done.

Took under an hour to replace 6 of them in my house. And that includes taking the ladder upstairs and back.

Reasonable cost. You can get ‘lifetime’ (10-year battery) units, but they cost more. Best price I found was via Home Depot (Amazon and Lowe’s were higher. YMMV).

A good idea to do. Doesn’t take long, and doesn’t cost much.