Mystery Spot #6

While you are thinking about where Mystery Spot #5 is (see here), back in Mystery Spot #2, I asked if anyone knew where some other 3-rock ‘cairns’ are. No guesses on that spot, but here’s the picture. It’s a bit off the beaten path, and is a bit of a walk to get to it (hint). But it is in the ‘neighborhood’ (sort of).

Where is this Mystery Spot? Leave your answer in the comments below. And check the other Mystery Spots — the answers are there!


We Live Here!

If you missed the stunningly bright rainbow Friday evening, here’s some pictures I took from my back porch. They aren’t as good as the real thing — at times, the rainbow’s ‘pot of gold’ was right in the marina harbor. As the evening progressed, the rainbow turned into a double rainbow. Then it slowly moved out into the Puget Sound, and faded away with the sunset. (Click on the pictures to see them full-screen.)

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Bluebill “Fall Prevention” Meeting

The Bluebill Fall Prevention Program highlights hazards in the home and talks about tools that can be used to help prevent falls. Improvements such as grab bars and handrails are critical; so is the awareness of possible dangers, such as lighting, clutter, throw rugs, extension cords on the floor and more.

The Bluebills identify and provide installation of these improvements to your home, and attendees can sign up for a home inspection at the meeting.

The meeting is set for 3-5 p.m., Thursday, April 16 at the Bay Club, 120 Spinnaker Place, Port Ludlow. Contact Dick Ostlund for more information at 360-437-7747.