Mystery Spot #4 and More

mysteryspot-03This Mystery Spot is something that all Timberton Village residents have seen. It is a very small picture of a larger thing. It’s a bit fuzzy, since I enlarged just that portion of the picture I took of the ‘thing’.

Where is it?  Enter your gueses in the comment box below.

If you have a suggestion for a Mystery Spot, just let us know via the Contact the Web Guy page.

And did you know that the Web Guy has started up a Facebook page for Port Ludlow residents? It’s a closed group, so you have to ask for access – just go to the page and click on the button. Not very members of the page right now, which is why you should join the page and tell others around here. With lots of participants, it can be a great resource for Port Ludlow residents.

Updated 15 Apr 2015: the comment below from Vicki is correct. It is the letter ‘i’ in the “MI” (“4.5 Mi”) on the Timberton Trail sign, visible as you drive up Timberton Drive. Here’s the pictures.

timbertontrailsign-01 timbertontrailsign-02


Bear Watch!

From The Peninsula Daily News, 3/19/15:
Watch for bears!  The unseasonably warm weather we have experienced over the past month has stirred hibernating bears.
“Black bears usually start making appearances in mid- to late-April, but warm weather can cause them to stir earlier.  They are hungry when they emerge from their dens because they lose up to half of their body weight during hibernation,” says Fish and Wildlife Specialist Rich Beausoleil.  “Natural foods are scarce this early in the year, so bears often start looking for the easiest source of high protein food.”
Remember last year, when several of us here in Timberton either saw bears while walking dogs or hiking the Timberton Trail — or had bears actually raid our bird feeders right on the deck?
Let’s all try not to attract these hungry animals.  That means we should secure our garbage cans, remove seed from back yard bird feeders, and bring pet food indoors.
If you have or know of any bear or other wildlife sightings, please let us know in the comments.

Mystery Spot #3

I saw this one whilst walking around the neighborhood the other day. You have to be quite close to it to notice it. There are other similar items nearby.

If you think you know the location of this Mystery Spot, use the comment area below to submit your guess. Indicate only the street that this Mystery Spot is on, like “west side of <name> street”.

Thanks for playing along! There’s more coming!


Parking Rules Reminder

A reminder about on-street parking in the Timberton Village. Please make sure that your visitors and tenants know about these.

The CC&R’s of both the South Bay Community Association and the Timberton Village Homeowners Association prohibit non-temporary on-street parking at all times (see Articles 4:2:17, :18, and :19 in the South Bay Master Declaration of Covenants for details). As a Timberton Village resident (owner or tenant), all vehicles must be parked in an off-street location (your garage or driveway). Overnight parking on the street is not allowed.

There is an exception, though. While we request that all resident park their vehicles off-street, temporary on-street parking by guests only is allowed for up to eight hours. Please ensure that your guests do not block driveways of other homes. And make sure that anyone can safely exit their driveway.

For longer-term guest parking, please use your garage, driveways, or designated public parking lots only. There is public parking at the Timberton Loop trailhead (halfway up Timberton Drive). Parking is not allowed on the grassy area at the top of Timberton Drive.

Thanks for following these rules. They are there for the safety of our residents (we need to allow for sufficient clearance for emergency vehicles) and our neighbor’s cars.

If you have any questions, please contact the Board members.