Disaster Prep Lecture (note corrections)

The Port Ludlow Village Council Disaster Preparedness Committee is sponsoring a lecture on Saturday April 23rd at noon at the Beach Club.  The speaker will be noted local geologist Michael Machette.

The topic of his discussion will be about earthquakes and tsunamis and how Port Townsend businesses and residents might be affected by this as well as what Port Ludlow Residents might expect to happen in the bay.

And your Timberton HOA Board is working on some Disaster Preparedness information that will be posted on the Timberton Village web site (this place). Stay tuned!

And if you have any ideas, use the comments (below) to add your thoughts.

Message from the TVHA Finance Committee

The finance committee is looking for member assistance with the development of a written policy to clarify the assessment dues invoicing process, including due dates, when payments are considered late, the assessment of late fees and penalties, and the property lien process for non-payment.  The goal of the policy is to ensure that homeowners are aware of the processes and repercussions if payment is not made in a timely fashion.

If you are interested, please contact Vicki Derrenberger at vderren25@yahoo.com


At the annual meeting held on June 29, 2015, the membership voted to modify the assessment dues invoicing schedule from quarterly to semi-annual. The change to semi-annual was made to reduce expense paid to the outside bookkeeping service.  Assessment dues invoices are emailed, a previous cost savings change, to homeowners twice a year. The first installment is for July-December and the second installment is for January-June.

TVHA assessment dues payments should be remitted to the address listed below.

Linda Cook

Professional Bookkeeping Services

PO Box 2242

Poulsbo, WA 98370


Bluebill “Fall Prevention” Meeting

The Bluebill Fall Prevention Program highlights hazards in the home and talks about tools that can be used to help prevent falls. Improvements such as grab bars and handrails are critical; so is the awareness of possible dangers, such as lighting, clutter, throw rugs, extension cords on the floor and more.

The Bluebills identify and provide installation of these improvements to your home, and attendees can sign up for a home inspection at the meeting.

The meeting is set for 3-5 p.m., Thursday, April 16 at the Bay Club, 120 Spinnaker Place, Port Ludlow. Contact Dick Ostlund for more information at 360-437-7747.