This Mystery Spot is something that all Timberton Village residents have seen. It is a very small picture of a larger thing. It’s a bit fuzzy, since I enlarged just that portion of the picture I took of the ‘thing’.
Where is it? Enter your gueses in the comment box below.
If you have a suggestion for a Mystery Spot, just let us know via the Contact the Web Guy page.
And did you know that the Web Guy has started up a Facebook page for Port Ludlow residents? It’s a closed group, so you have to ask for access – just go to the page and click on the button. Not very members of the page right now, which is why you should join the page and tell others around here. With lots of participants, it can be a great resource for Port Ludlow residents.
Updated 15 Apr 2015: the comment below from Vicki is correct. It is the letter ‘i’ in the “MI” (“4.5 Mi”) on the Timberton Trail sign, visible as you drive up Timberton Drive. Here’s the pictures.