Mystery Spot #7

The Web Guy was reminded that there hasn’t been a new Mystery Spot for a while. So he dug around in his pile of Mystery Spot pictures and came up with this one:

Mysteryspot-07It is a little off of the beaten path. But The Web Guy was puzzled when he saw it. There must be some special historical significance to why it was placed where it was.

Use the comments area below to make your guess of where this Mystery Spot is. Or come up with the reason (real or fictional) why this item is where it is.

Use your imagination, because The Web Guy certainly doesn’t have an imagination.

Oct 5 Board Meeting Agenda

Monday, October 5th, 2015
Bay Club, 3:00 pm

1. Call to order & determination of quorum. Attendees, please sign in.

2. Approve Agenda

3. Approve Minutes from the August 3rd, 2015 regular Board meeting, the August 10th, 2015 special Board meeting and the September 8th, 2015 special Board meeting

4. Introduction of new homeowners

5. Comments from the Board

6. Comments from the Floor

7. Committee Reports:
a. Architectural Review Committee (ARC): Steve Frenzl
b. Vegetation Management Committee (VMC): Debbie Wills
c. Financial Management Committee (FMC): Vicki Derrenberger & Kathy Kubesh
8. Old Business:
a. Update on planned weed control meeting with Jefferson County Noxious Weed Board.
b. Update on discussions with Wildflower Landscaping concerning potential substitutes for Roundup or other weeding possibilities
9. New Business:
a. Results of Wildflower Landscaping special cleanup project on Timberton Drive carried out in September.
b. Potential work by Deers Landscaping at the entry Monument area.
c. Potential additional VMC projects.
d. Completion of Website host change. Rick Hellewell comments.
10. Comments from the Floor

11. Comments from the Board

12. Next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, December 7th, 2015, at 3:00 pm at the Bay Club

13. Adjourn

Road Work on Timberton Drive

Jefferson County Public Works has confirmed that they have contracted to have asphalt replaced in four separate sections of Timberton Drive, beginning on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.

The work is expected to progress quickly and one lane will remain open at all times. Little or no disruption of traffic is expected.

Rich Durbin, TVHA Vice President

(If you look carefully, there are small white L-shaped marking on the road that indicate the road work locations – Rick, the web guy, who know a lot about a few things, but not much about everything.)

Yogi Alert

A Timberton neighbor reports a “Yogi sighting”:

Please spread the word that we have a bear in Timberton. He hopped up on our deck at 44 Leighbrook Lane this morning. Walter said he was “big”. I was upstairs at my computer, heard a noise and caught a glimpse of a large brown body. Walter did his grizzly bear act and the bear scurried off into the woods.

Keep an eye on loose pets. And make sure that you don’t have any outside feeding dishes…bears like pet foot too, and it may want to return for its next meal.

Information on co-existing with bears? One source is here; there are many others if you ‘ask the googles’:

Stay safe!