The Timberton HOA Board meeting will be October 3rd at 3pm at the Bay Club. The proposed agenda
Special Board Meeting Sept 6th 2016
A special meeting of the board for training purposes will be held at the Bay Club at 2PM on September 6, 2016 with no other business to be conducted.
The board might be going into closed session for a portion of this to encourage open discussion of Board processes and rules among Board members.
Mike Burke
TVHA Board President
Agenda for August 1st Meeting
The next Timberton Village Homeowners Association board meeting is on August 1st, 3:00pm, at the Bay Club. All residents are invited to attend. The agenda ….
TVHA Board Meeting Wednesday July 6 at 9 AM
The new TVHA Board will elect officers for the 2016/17 fiscal year during a special meeting Wednesday July 6 from 9:00 to 9:30 AM. Venue is the Bay Club.
All Timberton Village homeowners are invited to attend.
Steve Frenzl, 2015/16 Vice President
Board Meeting Minutes – 6 May 2016
The draft board meeting minutes are available. Click on the heading of this item, then