Many thanks to all who joined in the community clean up day, April 1st. Tom C., Tom W., Tone, Vicki, Lydia, Kees and Lloyd. Your time and effort is appreciated.
Please be on the lookout for the following noxious weeds.
“Noxious weed” means a plant that when established is highly destructive, competitive, or difficult to control by cultural or chemical practices, RCW 17.10.10. If you happen to see one, or both of the following varieties growing in your garden or surrounding common area, please remove using protective clothing, gloves and dispose of in a sealed plastic trash bag roots and all. DO NOT PLACE TOXIC WEEDS IN YOUR COMPOST OR TRASH UNLESS PROPERLY BAGGED AND SEALED. These are on Jefferson County’s hit list of noxious weeds to eliminate.
Below is a great blog that shows, with pictures and description, the difference between Poison Hemlock and Queen Anne ’s Lace. There are some similar features, but there is distinction in appearance. Note the difference in stem, flower and leaf patterns.
Go to Raven’s Roots Naturalist School Blog, July 2, 2015 edition showing pictorial differences between Poison Hemlock and Queen Anne’s Lace.
Poison Hemlock can be deadly toxic to both people and animals. It contains toxic alkaloids which are found in all plant parts. For information about Poison Hemlock poisoning and symptoms, contact the Washington Poison Center at: 1-800-222-1222.
Here’s more info about the weed:
Tansy Ragwort, a noxious weed, can be toxic to livestock
This noxious weed contains a toxin which can be lethal to cattle, horses and to a lesser degree goats and sheep. All parts of the Tansey Ragwort are toxic in both live and dried plant material. The young rosettes of Tansey Ragwort can be especially dangerous to grazing animals.
For information, go to the Northwest Washington Jefferson County Weed Control Board Fact Sheet regarding Tansey Ragwort.
Both Poison Hemlock and Tansey Ragwort are Class B noxious weeds in Washington State.
The purpose of this note is to let you know the current status of the Board for the coming year.
The continuing board members whose terms will not expire until 2018 are Mike Burke and Cynthia Blacketor. The three seats up for election this year are those filled by Steve Frenzl, Vicki Derrenberger, and Debbie Wills. Fortunately, both Vicki and Debbie have decided to run for another two year term and we already have a volunteer candidate, Lloyd Gill, who has already taken over Steve’s ARC committee responsibilities, to run for a position.
However, the current status does not preclude anyone else from nomination to run for one of these Board positions. If you would like to serve on the Board please provide your name and a short Bio to our board Secretary, by April 21st.
Finally, thanks to Steve Frenzl for all the hard work he has done to serve the Timberton community as a TVHA board member and ARC committee lead.
Thank you
Mike Burke
A few pictures taken during TVHA VMC’s most recent project shows community members at work in your neighborhood. Thanks to our many VMC Gardening Volunteers for all their help on this project and many others. If you would like to participate, watch for a resident email blast regarding future volunteer projects. Again, many thanks to all who have volunteered both past and present.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Bay Club, 3:00 pm
1. Call to order & determination of quorum. Attendees, please sign in.
2. Approve Agenda
3. Approve Minutes from the February, 6 2017 regular Board meeting .
4. Introduction of new homeowners
5. Comments from the Chair
6. Comments from the Floor
7. Formal Correspondence – none
8. Committee Reports:
a. Architectural Review Committee (ARC): Steve Frenzl
b. Vegetation Management Committee (VMC): Debbie Wills
c. Financial Management Committee (FMC): Vicki Derrenberger & Kathy Kubesh
9. Old Business:
a. SBCA possible action to reduce the vehicle speed on Paradise Bay Road.
b. Records retention Policy
c. Reserve for uncertainties usage policy
10. New Business:
a. Replacement for Steve Frenzl for ARC Committee Chair & Board member
b. 2017-2018 Budget planning status
c. Annual Meeting planning Status
d. Review “Frequently Asked Questions” document
e. Summer Block party discussion
f. Pet CCR’s enforcment
11. Comments from Floor
12. Comments from the Board
13. Next regular Board meeting will be on Monday, June 5, 2017, at 3:00 pm at the Bay Club
14. Adjourn