Just Saying….

This page is for random comments from site visitors. Just add your comment in the box at the end of the page. Doesn’t need to be fancy, or long; it could be a simple “Nice flowers in the yard on the street”, or “Thanks to whoever rescued my trash cans from the wind”, or “I saw a fox yesterday; keep an eye on your pets”. Whatever you want to put there, just type it in and click the button. You don’t need to sign in. Just keep things civil.

Use the Contact the Board or Contact the Web Guy for other items.

Ready. Set. Go!

10 thoughts on “Just Saying….”

  1. Good Neighbors; Concerned Neighbors. S-NO-w fun. While the snow dump is rare and unusual, … take a moment to look around, especially for those neighbors with snow berm in front of their homes and blocking their driveways. They may be snowed in. Possibly a neighborhood watch, an awareness, is more than a courtesy; it may be life saving. We obviously have no formal snow clearing procedures in Timberton Village. Whoever ran a snow plow down the middle of Heritage Lane didn’t look left or right with any regard to blocked driveways. Who was that guy anyway; a volunteer? This situation may never happen again anytime soon. Still, it may be worthwhile to have a formal contingency set up. Could save lives or, at the very least, give the opportunity to help a neighbor. Roger Bryan

    • Hi Roger,
      I’m the president of Teal Lake VA. I noticed that your roads were plowed and ours were not. Do you hire a private contactor or does the county do it. Just trying to get a feel for how we should be prepared for our next storm.
      Thanks, Tom Britton, 808-345-6171

  2. A public “Thank You” to the special person that brings in my trash can while I’m at work. 😉 See ya around….

  3. From a neighbor

    Please spread the word that we have a bear in Timberton. He hopped up on our deck at 44 Leighbrook Lane this morning. Walter said he was "big". I was upstairs at my computer, heard a noise and caught a glimpse of a large brown body. Walter did his grizzly bear act and the bear scurried off into the woods.

  4. We had a great time working with the VMC last Sunday clearing the corner of Heritage and Timber Meadow. Thanks Debbie for your leadership and we look forward to more volunteer projects like this. It’s amazing what a group of neighbors can accomplish
    and the camaraderie that was felt.

    Neil Black


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