From Steve Failla (email: — Important information (and savings) on your annual irrigation system backflow inspection:
There are two Spring inevitabilities, alder pollen and Backflow Assembly inspections. This letter is going to all Timberton homeowners requiring the latter. For new homeowners, if you have an in-ground irrigation system you have a backflow assembly, and a few homes have two. You likely have just received a posted notification from Olympic Water and Sewer, requiring an annual backflow assembly inspection. WA State law requires compliance with this inspection. For the last eleven years, I have been organizing this for all of Timberton.
DC Backflow Service will again conduct the tests as they have done for the past several years. The scheduled inspection dates will be March 18-19. You do not need to be home for the inspection. The group price for your backflow inspection is $30.00 (vs. DC’s individual price of $70.00), as DC is spared making all the individual appointments, and can do all the assemblies at one time. This group inspection also saves each of us shopping around to make individual arrangements.
Within a couple of days after receiving your response to this e-mail, I will send you an e-mail confirmation. If you wish to make your own arrangements, that is fine. I will not schedule you without an affirmative reply, and DC will not honor their TVHA group price unless you are part of this group.
After the inspection, DC will either e-mail you a bill for $30 (tax and fees included), or bill via mail for those having no e-address. You will have the option of mailing DC a check as in past years, or paying by phone with a credit card. DC will send your inspection report results to Olympic Water & Sewer, and you will be e-mailed a copy (or posted if you have no e-mail). If your payment is not received within 30 days, DC Backflow will re-bill you, charging an additional $1.50.
If your assembly needs repair (usually cleaning out mud), this will be accomplished without charge. If replacement parts are required, an inspector, Don or Gabe Lichten, will obtain your permission before proceeding.
Another important item: All owners not living at the address where the backflow assembly is to be tested, and owners who purchased their homes since last year’s test, please also include your postal address.
Wishing you all an uneventful Backflow event.
Please contact Steve at Steve Failla (email: to participate.